Public Engagement Now Closed

Welcome to the public engagement website for Isley Woodhouse.
Pegasus Group and Oxalis Planning are acting on behalf of Harworth Group and Caesarea Development Holdings in relation to proposals for a new sustainable settlement known as Isley Woodhouse, located to the south of East Midlands Airport and Donington Park.
Harworth Group and Caesarea Development Holdings are developing proposals for Isley Woodhouse in the context of North West Leicestershire District Council's new Local Plan where the proposed Isley Woodhouse is a draft allocation at Policy IW1. Further information on the emerging North West Leicestershire Local Plan 2020-2040 can be found within the Local Plan Position section.
​This website includes information about the site, the work undertaken by the project team to date, our vision for the proposed development, and the proposed Concept Masterplan. Finally, there is information about how to get involved in the public engagement process, including an opportunity to make comments, and information on the anticipated next steps.​